Creative blog

Block Printed Greetings Cards Workshop In Woking (7th November 2023)
On Tuesday 7th November I'll be running a block printed greetings cards workshop in Woking (Surrey) at my pottery cafe, Fired Frog. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to learn how to make hi...

craft for kids
How to make a stickman - Craft For Kids
Welcome to Craft for Kids with Ariana and Susan! In this video we look at making a super-simple yet super-fun stick man using lollysticks and a bit of glue.

fabric printing
Try Something New!
What I do LOVE to do every now and again is try something completely NEW - a new craft or art form entirely....

Watch me on HobbyMaker TV this Sunday 3rd July!
I will be officially launching and celebrating my new book Sketchbook Challenge: 100 Prompts for Daily Drawing on HobbyMaker TV - a UK shopping channel this Sunday 3rd July at 1pm and 3pm.

Sketchbook Challenge (THE BOOK) Now Available for Pre-Order
I'm so excited to let you know that five and a half years after running the very first annual 30-Day Sketchbook Challenge, Sketchbook Challenge: 100 Prompts for Daily Drawing (THE BOOK!!!) is no...

Join the 7-Day Sketchbook Challenge 23rd-29th May 2022
I am so excited to announce a FREE 7-Day Sketchbook Challenge coming up from 23rd - 29th May 2022.
Each day from Monday 23rd May - Sunday 29th May 2022 I will send you a new sketching prompt. Thi...

Want a tour of my home studio?
Take a sneaky peek into my home studio...
Find out everything about the tools and materials you need for linoprinting ... plus tips on how a small workspace can be laid out!
This week I have laun...

learn linocut
Linocut Materials List - The FREE Ebook is here!
This FREE 13-page e-book is the complete guide to my favourite tools and materials for linoprinting at home. By the end of this guide you will be confident in the essential tools you need to get st...

fabric printing
FREE Fabric Printing Materials Guide
Are you confused about how to do fabric printing and what materials and tools to use and how to use them? I have created a FREE fabric printing tools and materials guide which you can download to l...

creative life
Launching Creativity Talks - The Podcast!
Back in March I asked you what you might like to hear from me if I were to start a podcast and I'm so excited to have launched the Creativity Talks - The Podcast a few weeks ago! We are now almost ...

If I were to start a podcast
I am touching base to ask you for some help and feedback today.
I have been doing some planning for the year ahead and a project that has been on my list of things I have always wanted to do keeps...

Top Tips for Completing the 30-Day Sketchbook Challenge
It can be quite a challenge to sketch for 30 days in a row, so I have shared with you my top tips for approaching and hopefully completing the 30 Day Sketchbook Challenge…

greetings cards
Why I love linocut cards
There is nothing more special than gifting someone a handmade card you have made from scratch yourself, this could be a birthday, a thank you or a special occasion such as a Christmas or Valentines.

beginner's guide to linocut
About my linocut books
Today I wanted to share with you a video that I recorded recently that opens up the pages of my two linocut books Learning Linocut and Beginner’s Guide to Linocut to show you exactly what is inside.

beginner's guide to linocut
Essential tools to start linocutting
As an author of two books on linocutting (Learning Linocut and Beginners Guide to Linocut), I get asked a lot about what tools are recommended for starting out with linocut. It is a great question ...

creative life
New Skillshare Class: How to Live a Creative Life
I am so excited to launch a brand new Skillshare Class: How to Live a Creative Life – 5 Ways to bring Inspiration Into Your Life. This class accompanies and follows along with my FREE 16 page e-boo...

Fashion Formula designer of the month
Over the past few months I’ve been working on turning a number of my linocuts, sketches and paintings into fabric designs. I have been slowly ordering samples of fabric and loading a few of my desi...

Behind the scenes of Inspire
With just a few days to go until the launch of Inspire, I thought I would take the time out to make a little behind the scenes video showing you what I get up to. I am in the final stages of launch...

blind contour drawing
Close your eyes - demonstration video
Time for another demo video! Yes, a free tutorial video of something creative that can be found in one of my online art courses. These are hopefully handy tutorials for things to do in your sketchb...

Found object printing - demonstration video
‘Found Object Printing’ loosely falls into the bracket of Collograph. Collograph is a simple and very effective form of printmaking that is created by using various types of collage as the plate th...