Creative blog

Sketchbook Challenge (THE BOOK) Now Available for Pre-Order
I'm so excited to let you know that five and a half years after running the very first annual 30-Day Sketchbook Challenge, Sketchbook Challenge: 100 Prompts for Daily Drawing (THE BOOK!!!) is no...

creative life
Launching Creativity Talks - The Podcast!
Back in March I asked you what you might like to hear from me if I were to start a podcast and I'm so excited to have launched the Creativity Talks - The Podcast a few weeks ago! We are now almost ...

If I were to start a podcast
I am touching base to ask you for some help and feedback today.
I have been doing some planning for the year ahead and a project that has been on my list of things I have always wanted to do keeps...

creative life
New Skillshare Class: How to Live a Creative Life
I am so excited to launch a brand new Skillshare Class: How to Live a Creative Life – 5 Ways to bring Inspiration Into Your Life. This class accompanies and follows along with my FREE 16 page e-boo...

blind contour drawing
Close your eyes - demonstration video
Time for another demo video! Yes, a free tutorial video of something creative that can be found in one of my online art courses. These are hopefully handy tutorials for things to do in your sketchb...