Sketchbook Challenge the book
Kickstart or develop your own daily sketching habit with 100 simple and thought-provoking prompts from the creator of the 30-Day Sketchbook Challenge.
Sketchbook Challenge: 100 Prompts for Everyday Drawing is my latest art book published with Search Press in July 2022.
Signed copies are available to order via my shop or you can purchase from all good online retailers!

As seen on tv
launched on hobbymaker tv in july 2022
officially launched and celebrated the book Sketchbook Challenge: 100 Prompts for Daily Drawing on HobbyMaker TV- a UK shopping channel on Sunday 3rd July.
They kindly allowed me two separate hours (yes, TWO HOURS!!) to talk about how the book came about and demo some of the tutorials and exercises contained within.
Watch the highlights in the video below...

live on tv
sketchbook challenge the book

about the book
Kickstart or develop your own daily sketching habit
...with 100 simple and thought-provoking prompts from the creator of the 30-Day Sketchbook Challenge.
The huge range of prompts includes found objects such as leaves, clocks, buttons and jewellery, along with more subjective suggestions such as 'something that smells good' and 'items in your pocket', to encourage you to sketch everyday items you may not have considered before.
All of the challenges are suitable for beginners and teaches the principles of drawing and art, with the aim of encouraging people to relax, have fun, and get creative!

start drawing daily with
100 sketching prompts
The book contains over 100 sketching prompts providing you with simple and approachable subject matter for your sketchbooks.
You will NEVER be stuck again for what to draw!
a book for sketchbook dabblers
Inside Sketchbook Challenge
Take a look inside this 160-page book packed full of sketching inspiration. You can order a signed copy of the book on my webshop (click on the button below).

let's take a look
Inside the book

Hi, I'm Susan
artist, author and sketchbook hoarder!
I have written a total of art and craft books since my very first book, Learning Linocut, was self-published in 2011.
On this page you will find some information about what these books are, why I love to write and how I got started with writing.
Signed copies of my books are available to buy in my online shop.
Practical art books to inspire YOU
I truly love writing, creating art and sharing my knowledge, so publishing art books is something, for me, that ticks all the boxes. I also LOVE to work on a massive project and like many creative people I need a deadline to actually finish things.
I have self-published four of these books, which essentially means doing everything yourself, from writing the text and creating the projects to typesetting, proofreading and editing. As the years have progressed I have asked people better at things like proofreading and design to help me out and in 2016 was very lucky to have a book proposal accepted by Search Press, a specialist arts publisher here in the UK. With Search Press we created Beginner’s Guide to Linocut, which is a project based-book all about linocut printing.
The more recently in July 2022 we launched Sketchbook Challenge: 100 Prompts for Daily Drawing.

Inspiring others to create
I write these books with the genuine intension of inspiring others to create. Creativity is within us all and sometimes it just needs a few simple instructions and a little focus (like a project from a book) to come on out. I personally gain so much from creating and making things and am very fortunate to have seen so many readers and students over the years do that too.
The Story of the First Book
Learning Linocut, which was my first book came about almost by accident. I intended to simply learn how to use Adobe InDesgin and thought what better way than to put together a big project (a book) that combines all of the worksheets, projects and tips that I used at workshops. This for me was an exercise of learning and a way to provide a better hand-out to have available for students in my classes. The aim wasn’t to create a ‘best-selling book’ but simply educate and help.
Back then there were very few books on linocut and block printing, so I think I was very lucky with timing and to be the first person in this new market and also to explore self-publishing in its early days. Since then so many wonderful books on this topic (and crafts in general) have been published and self-publishing is far more accessible than ever.
And since that very first book was published every few years I get an idea (just like an itch that needs to be scratch) and a new books get created.

find out more
about these two linocut books

Inside Beginner's Guide to Linocut
Take a look below for some example pages from Beginner's Guide to Linocut.

Inside Learning Linocut
Take a look inside Learning Linocut. This was the very first book I wrote and self-published.