I am looking for a number of guest artists to deliver online video lessons for my monthly sketching membership Inspire for 2025.

You can see information about the Inspire Sketching Membership here.

Guest teachers wanted for Inspire


Each month I deliver a series of online video tutorials on an overall theme to the group. Throughout 2025 I would like to invite a number of guest tutors into Inspire to deliver specialist tutorials on various art technique and themes in addition to the lessons I film myself. This will give my members a wonderful variety in terms of teaching style and content. I hope to Inspire my members even more in 2025 with a variety of talented artists showing them new and exciting things!

Overall requirements

The primary focus of Inspire is to inspire the members on a monthly basis to sketch and draw and paint in their sketchbooks. Most members are between beginners to intermediate level artists, for whom art and creativity is a fun and enjoyable (and sometimes serious) hobby. The lessons required must be easy to digest and between 5-15 minutes in length for an art tutorial (elements of a technique can be sped up). I would assume that any guest teacher has experience in teaching and is comfortable on camera, teaching their specialism.

Details on the lessons / content

Each guest artist will be asked to deliver two parts to being a guest for the month.

  1. Introduction - A short 2-3 minute intro video sharing what you will cover and introducing yourself to the members.  
  2. Warm-Up Exercise – I would like guest teachers to provide a short warm-up exercise of around 5 minutes to help get the students into the zone. 
  3. The tutorials / lessons – 3 video tutorials on a theme/subject. This could be several different tutorials working on a theme, a single technique that is broken into sections or anything else that you think is suitable. Each lesson also needs some written instructions (if appropriate) and relevant photos to accompany them. 
  4. A bio picture of you, any social media and website links and a brief description of who you are to share with members. 


I am very open to suggestions of topics of the lessons themselves. Please remember that the focus is to inspire people to open their sketchbooks and have a go. Step-by-step tutorials are great and ones that don’t involve too many specialist materials that are hard to come by.

I am however specifically looking for the following things for 2025:

  • Mixed media and abstract sketching
  • Drawing people
  • Coloured pencil
  • Oil or soft pastel work
  • Watercolour techniques
  • Movement and gesture
  • Illustration
  • Watercolour pencil techniques

Technical stuff

All of these tutorials are video-based (with pictures and text instructions) and delivered online... I currently use a course hosting platform called Podia to deliver the membership. Your videos would be uploaded to the platform the month before your tutorials would be due to go live (videos go live on the 1st of the month).

All teachers need to film the videos themselves with relatively good lighting and sound. There is no requirement for the videos to be ‘professional’ however the lighting and sound need to be good enough to see the technique being taught and not detract from the content. These videos should be between 5-15 mins long and we can discuss details before filming the topics etc. Videos will need to be good quality MP4s (I film on my iPhone and edit in iMovie). You are welcome to edit the videos yourself or send to me to edit. 

There is a Facebook group for support for members. You would be welcome to join the Facebook group for the month if you wanted to answer any questions or see work completed from your tutorials or I can email any questions from members. This is optional. 

Promotion for you

There will also be an opportunity as one of the Inspire Guest teachers to send your website and social media links and at least 3 images of your work so I can showcase you as a guest (free promo!) I will promote your work in the Inspire membership group but also on my own social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram). It will be helpful to have a bio and a profile picture as well as your links and some photos of your work.


These are paid positions as I would like to make sure that artists’ skills and teaching ability is valued. Each guest tutor will be paid a one-off fee of £150 for the work (delivery of the videos, time taken in filming etc). Payment will be made via bank transfer on receipt of an invoice. The guest teaching slot also brings with it a little promotion (detailed above).

To apply

If you are interested to become a guest teacher for me in Inspire then please email me with a proposed topic (and any questions) I will get in contact! Please email hello@susanyeates.co.uk.

Thank you