I am looking for a number of guest artists to take part in my annual online summit called the Sketchbook Challenge.
The next one runs from 01-30 Jan 2025.
You can see information about the annual challenge here.

Each year I run this 30-Day Challenge, where thousands of people join in to take part and sketch for 30-days in a row.
The unique feature of the challenge is that every day there is a NEW sketching prompt to work from. Budding sketchers sign-up for the challenge, have access to an online portal of supporting videos, sketch along together and share what they do via a private Facebook Group.
The challenge is in its 8th year and for the past few years I have been inviting guest artists in to show their sketchbooks and talk all things sketching.
Take Part as a Guest
Option 1 - Sketch to a Promot
(6 artists required) ** NEW**
This year I would like to ask 6 artists to take one of the prompts, make a sketch inspired by the prompt and film their workings. These videos need to be high quality and 15 minutes or less. I very much want to show that you can sketch in short time periods and want to show different ways to approach sketching.
What is required: A video upto 15 mins long of you tackling a sketching prompt. All I ask is that you keep your prompt confidential until the day it is released. I will also need a list of your materials used (this can literally just be a pencil if you want), any notes or tips you wish to provide, a bio photo and blurb / link to your website.
Deadline for receiving the videos: Monday 2nd December 2025
What you get:
1. I will share details of you and your website with all challengers via email (and the learning portal) and if you have a FREE GIFT to share with challengers I will also share this on the day your video is shared as well.
2. All featured artists will be mentioned on the main sketchbook challenge registration page and via my social media channels at least once.
3. Access to the affiliate scheme to receive 25% commission on all sales. (see below). All artists must have a minimum mailing list of 1000 subscribers to take part.
Option 2 - LIVE Zoom Interview
(4 artists required)
For the past three years I have had a Zoom interview with a sketchbook artist every Monday night at 8pm during the challenge. These will be held live on:
Monday 6th Jan 2025 @ 8pm
Monday 13th Jan 2025 @ 8pm
Monday 20th Jan 2025 @ 8pm
Monday 25th Jan 2025 @ 8pm
What is required: A 1-hour live zoom interview. Turn up to the live Zoom session and we will chat all things sketching. I will send you the interview questions in advance and ask you to share your sketchbooks and sketchbook tips.
1. I will share details of you and your website with all challengers via email (and the learning portal) and if you have a FREE GIFT to share with challengers I will also share this on the day your video is shared as well.
2. All featured artists will be mentioned on the main sketchbook challenge registration page and via my social media channels at least once.
3. Access to the affiliate scheme to receive 25% commission on all sales. (see below). All artists must have a minimum mailing list of 1000 subscribers to take part.
Affiliate Scheme Information
I run an affiliate scheme for the Sketchbook Challenge (and my Inspire Membership).
Register for the scheme to receive 25% of all sales you have generated. For membership sales this is 25% of the monthly payments (paid monthly in arrears.)
Find out more here:
Other Opportunities
There will also be a follow on opportunity to become an Inspire Guest teacher, which is a paid teaching opportunity.
Find out more about Inspire here:
To apply
If you are interested to become a guest teacher for the Sketchbook Challenge 2025 then please email me with which option you would like to do and I will get in contact! Please email hello@susanyeates.co.uk.