Sketchbook Warm-Up: Pasta Shape Doodles

Sketchbook Warm-Up: Pasta Shape Doodles

Sketchbook warm-ups are designed to be quick exercises to get you in the zone when you open your sketchbooks for the first time on a particular day. This exercise involves doodling pasta shapes using a simple pen. I recommend watching the video first for a demonstration and explanation of what to do, and then it's your turn!

My latest YouTube video is a Sketchbook Warm-Up with Pasta Shape Doodles!

This exercise involves doodling pasta shapes using a simple pen. I recommend watching the video first for a demonstration and explanation of what to do, and then it's your turn!

Tools and materials you will need are:

  • A small sketchbook
  • A pen (I used a simple fountain pen)
  • (Optional) - either a selection of pasta shapes or a photo of pasta shapes as a reference


Begin by deciding whether you want to doodle from your imagination or have some form of reference in front of you. I worked from a photo of different pasta shapes in the video - mainly as I had no pasta in the cupboard!! And also so that you could see clearly in the video.

When you are ready, grab your pen and a small sketchbook.

Start doodling pasta shapes across the page. Keep these simple rather than realistic and go straight in with the pen rather than pre-planning or doing pencil foundation lines. This is a warm-up to help you loosen up. Wonky lines and bits gone ‘wrong’ are all welcomed here. Work without hesitation or too much pondering - a steady, enjoyable pace. Feel free to allow your shapes to overlap.

Take around 5 -10 minutes depending on how large your sketchbook is. You don’t have to finish the page in one sitting if you only have 5 mins - just do what you can.

I also labelled the pasta shapes in the demo - you can do the same or just leave it as the sketched lines.

Have fun with this.

Don’t forget that the sketchbook warm-ups are designed to be quick exercises to get you in the zone when you open your sketchbooks for the first time on a particular day. It is GREAT to repeat these warm ups before you start anything more involved. 

This warm-up exercise is an extract from my Inspire Sketching Membership.